


Tianjin Standard Testing Technology Co., Ltd. It is a third-party technical service organization focusing on ecological environment and supplemented by comprehensive trade.We are committed to providing professional services to our clients independently and impartially. To ensure the impartiality and independence of the testing and inspection work, we make the following statement for these services we provide:

1. 遵守国家相关法律法规的规定,遵循客观独立、公平公正、诚实信用原则,恪守职业道德,承担社会责任。

Strictly abide by the requirements of the relevant laws and regulations; follow the principles of objective independence, fairness and justice, honesty and credibility; observe professional ethics; undertake social responsibilities.

2. 遵守为我们提供认可服务的机构等相关方关于公正性和独立性的要求,不以广告或者其他形式向社会推荐产品,不开展产品监制、监销等违法行为。

Strictly abide by the requirements of impartiality and independence from the parties which provide accreditation services for us. Don't recommend the product to the society by advertisement or other means. Don't carry out product supervision,marketing and other illegal activities.

3. 严格遵守GB/T 31880《检验检测机构诚信基本要求》,行为公正,且不受来自商业、财务或其他方面的影响公正性的压力;集团总部不利用任何行政或经济压力干扰子公司工作的独立性、公正性、诚实性,所产生的法律责任由相应的子公司承担。

Strictly abide by GB/T 31880 Essential requirements of integrity for inspection body and laboratory, and behavior fairly, not influenced by pressures from commercial, financial or other aspects. The group headquarter doesn't use any administrative or financial pressure to interfere with the independence, impartiality, and integrity of the subsidiary. The legal liability arising therefrom shall be borne by the subsidiary.

4. 不从事和参与任何有损公正性、独立性和诚信度的活动;不从事与检验检测活动以及出具的数据和结果存在利益关系的任何活动;不参与和检验检测或者类似的竞争性项目有关系的产品设计、研制、生产、供应、安装、使用或者维护活动。我们按客户需求提供完全独立的服务,对所有客户都能做到公平、公正,保证提供同等质量的优质服务。

Refrain from engaging in and participating in any activities that undermine impartiality, independence and integrity. Don't engage in any activity that has an interest in inspection and testing activities, as well as to the data and results produced. Not involved in product design, development, production, supply, installation, use or maintenance activities related to testing, inspection or similar competitive projects. We provide completely independent services according to the needs of our customers. We are fair and just to all customers, and guarantee to provide excellent services with the same quality.

5. 严格遵守与客户签订的合同或协议,对客户的技术、资料、数据及其他未公开信息严格保密(国家法律另有规定的除外),不利用客户的技术和资料从事技术开发、技术服务等商业活动,严格按照法律法规以及与客户约定的时限保存和传输检验检测相关档案材料。对在检验检测活动中所知悉的国家秘密、商业秘密和技术秘密履行保密义务。

Strictly abide by the agreement with customers; Strictly keep secrets of customer's technology, information, data and other undisclosed information (except as otherwise stipulated by national law); Do not use customer's technology and information for business activities such as technology development, technical services, etc. Save and transfer inspection and test related files Strictly in accordance with the laws, regulations and the time limit agreed with the customer. The state secrets, business secrets and technical secrets that are known in the testing and inspection activities will be kept in the strictest confidence.

6. 禁止伪造检验检测数据、出具虚假报告,确保检验检测数据和结果的真实、客观、准确。对出具的检验检测数据和结果负责,并承担相应法律责任。

Forgery of inspection data and issuance of false reports shall be prohibited. Ensure that test data and results are true, objective and accurate. Be responsible for the inspection data and results issued and bear the corresponding legal responsibility.

7. 本公司对声明的真实性负责,并愿意接受社会各界和政府管理部门的监督。

We shall be responsible for the authenticity of the declaration, and we are willing to accept the supervision of all sectors of society and government management departments.


Hereby Declaration and Commitment.